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The 24/7 revolution: How cities are transforming their night economies
min read
Jan 25 ― 2024
We are excited to announce the launch of TOPOSOPHY’s white paper series that cover both the challenges and opportunities that cities in the modern world are facing. Each volume in this series extends the engaging conversations we've had on our Common Ground podcast, bringing you in-depth insights on topics that matter. For our first paper, we’re casting the spotlight on how cities are transforming the night-time economy.
A Close Look at the Night-Time Economy

This is a sector that’s vibrant and bustling after dark but often doesn't get the attention it deserves during daylight hours. We peeled back the layers of the night-time economy, uncovering its multifaceted nature and exploring the hurdles it faces beyond the impact of the pandemic. We explored the struggles experienced by businesses operating in the after-hours, including rising rents, rapid development, and other ongoing challenges, as well as proposed actionable recommendations, strategies to overcome them, and what TOPOSOPHY can do for places and destinations to help them boost their night-time economies. 

Supported by research, global case studies, and insights from experts, the paper offers a comprehensive look at how the nightlife in cities impacts our economy, culture, and communities, and how cities can support the growth of the night economy and shape a more vibrant and inclusive nightlife with placemaking and marketing strategies.

“To create a truly thriving and sustainable nightlife culture, cities must also prioritise inclusive planning.”
What you can find inside
  • An introduction to the night-time economy
  • Elevating your city's night economy: placemaking and marketing strategies
  • Ten ideas to give your city's nightlife a boost
  • Metrics for a thriving nightlife
  • Key lessons & takeaways to managing the night-time economy

Don't miss out on this opportunity to get ahead of the curve.
Download your complimentary copy of “The 24/7 revolution: how cities are transforming their night economies” below and be part of shaping a more vibrant and inclusive nightlife.

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Click here to listen to our Common Ground podcast to be part of shaping a more vibrant and inclusive nightlife.

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