Stirling Castle is one of the most historically and architecturally significant castles in Scotland. Sitting on top of a volcanic crag, the site has been fortified since ancient times and its long and fascinating story features some of the most recognisable names in Scottish history such as William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Mary Queen of Scots. The Castle proudly overlooks Stirling and has become an internationally recognised symbol and identifier for the city.
However, historic monuments everywhere need continuous, proactive management to remain relevant and integrated into the modern day lives of local communities and city stakeholders, to be more than just isolated attractions for visitors. Despite its scale and stature, Stirling Castle is no different, and Historic Environment Scotland (HES), a non-departmental public body charged with the protection of Scotland’s historic environment, is seeking to do just that.
As part of HES’s Monument Investment Plan for Stirling Castle, TOPOSOPHY has been commissioned to assess, evidence and articulate practical opportunities to better integrate the castle within the wider place context through increased community partnership and participation, towards delivering socio-economic benefits for Stirling Castle, the city and its residents. This also includes the enhancement of the visitor experience within the castle walls and indeed how Stirling Castle contributes to the wider destination proposition for the city and region.
TOPOSOPHY will provide a comprehensive overview of this iconic heritage asset within its local and regional context and identify a shared set of interests with key stakeholders, including the local community, businesses and partner organisations, to inform emerging projects for Stirling Castle and its associated heritage sites in the future.
Through extensive desk research, site visit and in-depth stakeholder consultations, we will gain a full understanding of the place-based context to inform our review of the current level of engagement between Stirling Castle and the city. We will also assess the existing access and mobility infrastructure including sustainable transport options to and from Stirling Castle and the city’s main transport hubs. Ultimately our recommendations will outline how Stirling Castle can continue to positively enhance Stirling’s cohesive year-round offering for visitors and locals alike.
Stirling Castle has been integral to the city’s heritage, culture and identity over many centuries and we are excited to offer our expertise to ensure that this sense of ownership and pride lives on in this historic Scottish city for many more centuries to come.